Jan & Lio

Summer 2014/15

Jan & Lio
Community Outdoor Nation Jan & Lio Luna Twin Torch Lantern

Luna Twin Torch Lantern

Jan & Lio

January 2015

  • Since we started this adventure, we have arrived more than just a few times at a camping ground after dark. On these occasions we’re always glad we’ve got the Kiwi camping lantern with us. It makes setting up camp on the dark DOC grounds a lot easier. You see, this lantern is a true descendant of the light of Eärendil Frodo gets from Galadriel in the Lord of The Rings. Powered by 3 D- cell batteries, it will guide your path when all other light has faded and scare big as spiders back into their dark and webby lairs at the same time. On the other hand it will attract the local vampire social club so you might want to have some insect repellent at hand.

    The lantern comes with two detachable torches that both need 3 AAA batteries. These torches are pretty nifty as they have two settings: an ordinary beam and an area light. Whether it’s going to the loo at night, finding your way through a dark forest or telling scary ghost stories at the campfire, these torches are your best companions. Speaking from experience, the beam is very handy when it comes to finding and disposing of mozzies in the car whereas the area light is perfect for liquidating your favourite member of the animal kingdom, the sand-fly.

    Its best quality could well be its only flaw. The light is very bright, but you can’t dim it. Even though it does have two settings, the low setting is still pretty bright. So if you’d like to extend the day a bit longer with your own personal sun because you’re scared of vampires or you want to set up camp after dark, this lantern will be perfect for you. If not you can always get a Gasmate gas lantern
